A short video named “Harmony between Man and Nature”, produced by the authorities of SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR), won the first prize in the “WE Work for a Green Future” Environmental Videos Competition that concluded in SIP recently.
The video shows amazing natural landscapes in YLPTR where water, birds, flowers and architecture render each other beautiful.
Thanks to continually enhanced environmental protection, YLPTR is becoming a home to more and more birds, including some protected species.
In YLPTR, the natural scenery varies in different seasons. Spring and summer are the best time to enjoy flowers, while autumn always stages a color competition between the trees, and winter brings spectacular snow scenes.
There are also fantastic man-made landscapes, like the lakeside cycling track, the headquarters of XTERRA, a global off-road triathlon and trail running event and also an international outdoor lifestyle brand, and Idyllic Peninsula, which hosts various parent-child events.
June 14, 2022